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Partner Coaching

I am often called into conflict situations where partners/leaders have tried to make an organizational change, and it didn’t work as expected.  Symptoms of an incomplete transition include leaders who can’t make decisions together and can’t move forward. The organization is stuck and unable to function well.

The two key elements in re-doing a transition to a successful outcome are skill and will.  If those involved in the conflict have the will, I can help provide the skills needed to navigate their way back into enough relationship to make new decisions and move forward.

I work with partners, teams, leaders, founders and family business owners when they have reached the point of breakdown, and are willing to do something positive to improve the situation.

Difficult situations can almost always be repaired, and it is always worth the effort.

My Process:

If we decide to move forward, these are the steps I will recommend:

  • interview key people to assess the elements of the conflict
  • determine the willingness of each person to create something different
  • conduct a process to clear or lessen those immediate tensions
  • consult about what caused the tensions in the first place
  • co-create new picture that includes the voices of all
  • get agreements from all involved about new behaviors, new roles, anything else needed to support the new  picture
  • follow-up at a later  time  to ensure agreements are being kept, refine roles, etc.